Thursday, August 9, 2012

Stuffed Zucchini!

1. Steam hollowed zucchini slices in a pan of water for about 10 minutes, take out and set to the side.
2. Place chicken strips in a pan with a spoonful of coconut oil and about a teaspoon of poultry seasoning. Cook on medium heat until white on the outside.
3. Cut 1/2 red onion diced, and about 1 cup of broccoli diced in with chicken. Add 2 more spoonfuls of coconut oil, continue cooking on medium heat until middle of chicken is white. Take chicken out and place on side.
4. Add 1/2 a cup of water, and asparagus (ends up to about an inch and a half of the head diced) and cover for 5 minutes.
5. Now assemble chicken slices, and about 1/2 cup veggie mix in each zucchini slice.
6. Top with an assortment of nuts and raisins as desired. Enjoy!
For desert, rasberry chocolate nobake cookie! Yum!

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